Worked. Thanks //@anonymous: Click on one-time-purchase for the $1.40 off and then click on subscribe-and-save for the other. Then you'll get both. This is definitely a bug and not intentional on Amazon's part so enjoy this while it lasts. //@Anonymous: No $1.4 off
By barik on 12/07/2024, 01:41 PM EST
tem(s) Subtotal:$13.99
Shipping & Handling:$0.00
Subscribe & Save:-$2.10
Your Coupon Savings:-$1.40
Your Coupon Savings:-$2.80
Total before tax:$7.69
Estimated tax to be collected:$0.51
Grand Total:$8.20
By anonymous on 12/07/2024, 12:22 PM EST
Click on one-time-purchase for the $1.40 off and then click on subscribe-and-save for the other. Then you'll get both. This is definitely a bug and not intentional on Amazon's part so enjoy this while it lasts. //@Anonymous: No $1.4 off