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9 Mega Rolls Cottonelle Ultra Clean Toilet Paper

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Amazon has 9 Mega Rolls Cottonelle Ultra Clean Toilet Paper for $5.50. Shipping is free with Prime.
  1. Choose Ultra Clean Toilet Paper
  2. Click $2 one-time purchase coupon (or click HERE)
  3. Click 20% subscribe coupon under subscribe or click here)
  4. Select subscribe for checkout: total $10 - $2 - 20% - 5% = $5.50

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Posted January 13, 2025 at 10:32 AM EST
by mutongo


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By anonymous on 01/13/2025, 10:01 PM EST
Thank you!
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By anonymous on 01/13/2025, 04:35 PM EST
I followed the steps on my phone and didn't get $2 off. But I did the same in my laptop browser and got $2 off. Interesting...

By anonymous on 01/13/2025, 03:15 PM EST
No $2 coupon

By mutongo on 01/13/2025, 01:02 PM EST
when you choose subscribe and checkout, 5% off with subscriptions. //@anonymous: Where is the 5%

By anonymous on 01/13/2025, 12:58 PM EST
Where is the 5%

By mutongo on 01/13/2025, 12:15 PM EST
follow instructions and checkout. //@anonymous: How did you get that price?

By anonymous on 01/13/2025, 11:48 AM EST
How did you get that price?

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