They fit my ears perfectly, they are absolutely air tight to the point I sometimes have to turn on the ambient sound setting to not feel like I'm wearing ear plugs. Possibly the most notable audiophile YouTuber Crinacle strongly recommends these as the far and away best true wireless buds on the market. I finally moved away from bose QC true wireless earbuds, of which I had bought three pairs over time, to switch to these. And it has been an obvious upgrade.
Not to discount your experience, everyone's ears are shaped differently. That being said, touch controls can easily be turned off in the app. //@anonymous: Fall out of your ears because of awkward weight. Then when you try to push them you end up pushing the touch control to pause music. I won't recommend them even at this discount.
By anonymous on 05/16/2024, 11:42 AM EDT
Fall out of your ears because of awkward weight. Then when you try to push them you end up pushing the touch control to pause music. I won't recommend them even at this discount.
Not to discount your experience, everyone's ears are shaped differently. That being said, touch controls can easily be turned off in the app. //@anonymous: Fall out of your ears because of awkward weight. Then when you try to push them you end up pushing the touch control to pause music. I won't recommend them even at this discount.