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Apple HomePod (2nd Gen) 2023

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COSTCO has Apple HomePod (2nd Gen) for $289.99. Shipping is $3. This product is available for Presell, and is expected to ship between 02/03/2023 and 03/10/2023. [apple]

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Posted January 21, 2023 at 6:39 AM EST
by storm22


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By anonymous on 01/21/2023, 11:47 AM EST
It is only natural to desire apple products even before you know what they are. You can always be assured that you are buying a fantastic marvel of engineering. //@anonymous: I don’t know what it does, but I want it.

By anonymous on 01/21/2023, 11:24 AM EST
Smart home hubfootnote
Sound Recognitionfootnote
Temperature and humidity sensorfootnote //@Anonymous: I don’t know what it does, but I want it.

By anonymous on 01/21/2023, 07:20 AM EST
I don’t know what it does, but I want it.

By anonymous on 01/21/2023, 07:15 AM EST
$3 shipping kills the deal.

By anonymous on 01/21/2023, 06:50 AM EST
Fantastic! I got a better job and I am no longer low-income so I can afford this!

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