Or simply order from OD/OM and select store pickup - no delivery fee. //@Anonymous: Same question! Why charging delivery fee $9 for a digital download? //@Anonymous: If it is digital download, why it is charging delivery fee?
By anonymous on 01/10/2023, 04:53 PM EST
Because it's a physical box with a download code inside. //@Anonymous: If it is digital download, why it is charging delivery fee?
By Harry on 01/10/2023, 03:40 PM EST
Amazon price matched deluxe and deluxe + state.
By anonymous on 01/10/2023, 03:32 PM EST
Same question! Why charging delivery fee $9 for a digital download? //@Anonymous: If it is digital download, why it is charging delivery fee?
By anonymous on 01/10/2023, 02:50 PM EST
If it is digital download, why it is charging delivery fee?