It works for me too, thanks! //@Anonymous: This is real deal, this is my checkout:
Subscription summary
Items (2): $42.88
Shipping & handling: $0.00
Your Coupon Savings: -$4.29
Multibuy Discount: -$10.00
Subscribe & Save: -$6.43
Total before tax: $22.16
Estimated tax to be collected: $1.82
Order total: $23.98
By anonymous on 01/04/2021, 12:53 AM EST
This is real deal, this is my checkout:
Subscription summary
Items (2): $42.88
Shipping & handling: $0.00
Your Coupon Savings: -$4.29
Multibuy Discount: -$10.00
Subscribe & Save: -$6.43
Total before tax: $22.16
Estimated tax to be collected: $1.82
Order total: $23.98
By mutongo on 01/03/2021, 06:04 PM EST
yes, 20% off for 1 item only. //@anonymous: 20% OFF on ONE TIDE
Subscription summary
Items (2): $42.88
Shipping & handling: $0.00
Your Coupon Savings: -$4.29
Multibuy Discount: -$10.00
Subscribe & Save: -$6.43
Total before tax: $22.16
Estimated tax to be collected: $1.82
Order total: $23.98