At least they won't charge a couple hundred dollars for your suitcases.
//@Anonymous: and Southwest will still be the most expensive even after the savings :-/
By anonymous on 01/24/2020, 04:32 PM EST
need bjs membership to buy this?
By anonymous on 01/24/2020, 01:10 PM EST
and Southwest will still be the most expensive even after the savings :-/
By anonymous on 01/24/2020, 10:41 AM EST
Why do you need to return gift cards since they never expire. And if you can’t use all of it just hang on to them for your next travel.
By anonymous on 01/24/2020, 08:47 AM EST
Be aware of BJs return policy: No gift cards can be returned. And pay attention to how many cards can go to each tickets. It is a good deal if the above two are not your concerns.
//@Anonymous: and Southwest will still be the most expensive even after the savings :-/