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How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen (Paperback Book)

$7 (Org $17)
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Amazon / Walmart has How to Talk so Little Kids Will Listen (Paperback Book) for $7.17. Shipping is free with prime or free in store pickup at Walmart.

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Posted May 2, 2019 at 5:32 AM EDT
by Infinity


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By anonymous on 05/21/2019, 03:16 PM EDT
If a kid doesn't listen after being slapped, it's because he/she didn't get slapped enough (also slap harder next time). //@Anonymous: Agreed. Violence is never a solution although it may seem handy and convenient at some time. The seeds of violence will, unfortunately, grow in these little ones and propagate into next generations. //@Anonymous: Util they are too old to be slapped around and the trouble starts.

//@Anonymous: you don't need to talk so kids will listen. they'll listen when you slap them around a few times.

By anonymous on 05/02/2019, 03:43 PM EDT
Agreed. Violence is never a solution although it may seem handy and convenient at some time. The seeds of violence will, unfortunately, grow in these little ones and propagate into next generations. //@Anonymous: Util they are too old to be slapped around and the trouble starts.

//@Anonymous: you don't need to talk so kids will listen. they'll listen when you slap them around a few times.

By anonymous on 05/02/2019, 02:10 PM EDT
Util they are too old to be slapped around and the trouble starts.

//@Anonymous: you don't need to talk so kids will listen. they'll listen when you slap them around a few times.

By anonymous on 05/02/2019, 02:08 PM EDT
you don't need to talk so kids will listen. they'll listen when you slap them around a few times.

By anonymous on 05/02/2019, 01:53 PM EDT

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