what are you guys even talking about? for a person always flying with 2 check-in bags, carry-on and handbag and want full meal/snack, the cost is the same across any airline. Southwest charges for all of them, frontier allows you to pick and choose. //@Anonymous: Totally agree with the comments below/above... even they pay you to book their flight, dont book!
By anonymous on 11/15/2018, 12:17 AM EST
Totally agree with the comments below/above... even they pay you to book their flight, dont book!
By anonymous on 11/14/2018, 04:04 PM EST
You are correct. I wouldn't fly Frontier & Spirit airlines even if they paid me money. I'm actually waiting when they will start charging for using their restrooms. //@Anonymous: Frontier sucks. They will bomb your email box once you subscribe their promotions. And their so called xx% off is a hoax, because it is based on the base cost, not the total cost including all sorts of fees that account for more than 85% of the total.
By anonymous on 11/14/2018, 03:43 PM EST
Frontier sucks. They will bomb your email box once you subscribe their promotions. And their so called xx% off is a hoax, because it is based on the base cost, not the total cost including all sorts of fees that account for more than 85% of the total.
By anonymous on 11/14/2018, 03:34 PM EST
How so!
By anonymous on 11/14/2018, 01:53 PM EST
Checked it. This is largerly bait-n-switch. Don't bother.