Be careful when buying used tires. Pay attention to the manufacture date and make sure they are only a couple of years old. There are plenty explanation on why the age of the tires matters on various websites. //@Anonymous: Buy Used Tire and SAVE MONEY. I always use used tires for my SUV. There are shops selling used tires for really cheap. You may google to find one near your location.
By anonymous on 09/22/2018, 04:57 PM EDT
Buy Used Tire and SAVE MONEY. I always use used tires for my SUV. There are shops selling used tires for really cheap. You may google to find one near your location.
By anonymous on 09/22/2018, 01:38 PM EDT
Installation included? if not, how much?
By anonymous on 09/22/2018, 01:26 PM EDT
2 pairs = 4 //@anonymous: Can I get only 2 pairs?
By anonymous on 09/22/2018, 08:56 AM EDT
Can I get only 2 pairs?
By anonymous on 09/22/2018, 04:42 AM EDT
Good tires do feel better on the road. Cheaper tires sometimes last longer but the road noise is noticeable. Different materials also provide different grip. Are better tires worth the extra? Really depends what you need. //@anonymous: These tires cost twice that of other regular brand tires. Changes tires 5 times on different cars but always think are they really worth and necessary.
By anonymous on 09/22/2018, 01:12 AM EDT
change ownership void everything, my car came with brand new tires, but no warranty now
By anonymous on 09/21/2018, 11:42 PM EDT
These tires cost twice that of other regular brand tires. Changes tires 5 times on different cars but always think are they really worth and necessary.